Old Way New Way in arrows
Great news about school meals
Cartoon of computer screen, books, coffee cup, and lamp with words "Helpful tips for online learning".
Bags of Food
Red roof, red flag, and the words 'In Person learning'
Lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner printed over a flag
Two devices with parent silhouettes and the words 'virtual parent connection'
Rainbow graphic with pencil, apple, welcome banner that reads 'Welcome to Virtual Open House'
Logo for Alliance for a Healthier Generation--silhouette of three children running
Graphic of coffee mug that reads "Virtual Coffee with the Principal"
Red, blue, and green words that read 'Preschool Parent Orieintation'
Water Bottle
Chalkboard with equations on it
Graphic that says 'P.H. Miller Elementary School Class of 2033 Kindergarten Orientation 2020-2021''
Mother & Child in Masks with Hand Sanitizer
Blue words with confetti that read "Welcome, 2020-2021 Families!'
Cartoon school supplies and the words 'School Stuff'
Multiethnic child cartoon superheroes having fun
Student in mask next to school bus
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions