Good Morning here are some Learning Opportunities for 6th Grade for this week April 14-17th. Have a great week!
about 4 years ago, EGJ
Good Morning here are some Learning Opportunities for 5th Grade for this week April 14-17th. Have a great week!
about 4 years ago, EGJ
Good Morning here are the learning opportunities for 4th grade for April 14-17. Have a great week!
about 4 years ago, EGJ
Need Internet? Please click on Remote Learning for information regarding Internet as low at $9.95/month to qualifying families!
about 4 years ago, District 88
Dear EGJ students, We love you, we miss you, and we will always “be there for you!”
about 4 years ago, District 88
Good Morning! Here are some learning opportunities for 6th Grade. Have a Great Week!
about 4 years ago, EGJ
about 4 years ago, EGJ
about 4 years ago, EGJ
about 4 years ago, EGJ
¡Buenos días, padres del Distrito 88! En un esfuerzo por mantener a nuestros estudiantes conectados y aprendiendo durante este tiempo, Comcast está ofreciendo 60 días de servicios gratuitos de Internet a familias que califican. ¡Visite!
about 4 years ago, District 88
Good morning District 88 Parents! In an effort to keep our students connected and learning during this time, Comcast is offering 60 days of free internet services to qualifying families. Please visit to apply today!
about 4 years ago, District 88
¡Buenos días, padres del Distrito 88! En un esfuerzo por mantener a nuestros estudiantes conectados y aprendiendo durante este tiempo, Comcast está ofreciendo 60 días de servicios gratuitos de Internet a familias que califican. ¡Visite!
about 4 years ago, District 88
Good morning District 88 Parents! In an effort to keep our students connected and learning during this time, Comcast is offering 60 days of free internet services to qualifying families. Please visit to apply today!
about 4 years ago, District 88
Come one come all to the Math and Science Spectacular! Join us April 25th for some of the students’ favorite math games and participate in fun science experiments!
about 4 years ago, EGJ
Math and Science Night
Congratulations Molly Turus, a 5th grade student at Emily G. Johns, won runner-up in the Illinois State Board of Education poster contest.
about 4 years ago, EGJ
Molly Turus
Great job to all who participated in the District Band concert on March 8, 2020. We are so proud of your hard work.
about 4 years ago, EGJ
District band concert
The EGJ LLS (Leukemia Lymphoma Society) fundraiser kick off was this past Friday. Here is a schedule of events and activities that we have planned. Last year EGJ donated over $12,000.00! Let's see what we can do this year.
about 4 years ago, EGJ
LLS calendar
We are loving our new app! Access cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
about 4 years ago, Gina Hubbard
Plano 88 Image